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Design for Six Sigma: International Accredited Certification

Design for Six Sigma: International Accredited Certification


The DFSS  course is composed of the following 8 modules.

After completing a module you must answer between 5 and 10 multiple-choice questions.


All questions must be answered to complete the course and achieve your final International Accredited DFSS Certification from ILSSI.


 S028 Introduction to Design for Six Sigma

 DTE05 The Design Thinking Mindset

 S020-1 Voice of the Customer - Kano Analysis

 BI002 Creative Thinking

 HRE02 Adapting to Innovation

 QME05 Quality Improvement

 S002-1 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

 S002-2 Error-Proofing/Mistake-proofing


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