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About the International Lean Six Sigma Institute (ILSSI), the Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) and the International Association of Six Sigma Certification (IASSC)


The ILSSI was founded in Cambridge, United Kingdom as a partnership for greater understanding and standardization between Lean Six Sigma professionals in the UK, Switzerland, EU, USA and the Middle-East with a focus on providing International collaboration, common understanding and standards for both Lean and Six Sigma principles, tools and techniques.

ILSSI runs an annual conference as well as offering training, certification, coaching and consulting services, directly and through its partner network.


Go to the ILSSI Website >



International Lean Six Sigma Institute,

Nine Hills Road,
Cambridge, CB2 1GE, England, United Kingdom


Phone: +44 191 375 5711



The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) was established in 2005 by leading Six Sigma trainer and mentor Craig Setter. The goal of CSSC is to create a set of standards that will help training programs and institutions across the globe teach effective and applicable Six Sigma certification courses. The CSSC accreditation program contributes to the Six Sigma industry by making sure that training and certification providers are offering courses that cover key fundamentals of Six Sigma methodology.  Through its numerous free offerings, CSSC has demonstrated that it is dedicated to performance over profits. In setting standards for certification that extend across industries and countries, The Council for Six Sigma seeks not only to improve training programs industry-wide, but to improve the companies and professionals who rely on them to bring them success.


Go to the CSSCWebsite >


The Council for Six Sigma Certification
228 Park Avenue S, #96508
New York, NY 10003-1502
United States of America

Phone: 1-888-6S-CSSC-0



IASSC is a Professional Association dedicated to growing and enhancing the standards within the Lean Six Sigma Community. IASSC is the only independent third-party certification body within the Lean Six Sigma Industry that does not provide training, mentoring and coaching or consulting services. IASSC exclusively facilitates and delivers centralized universal Lean Six Sigma Certification Standards testing and organizational Accreditation’s. 


Go to the IASSC Website >


IASSC CERTIFICATIONS, provide an unbiased independent third-party validation of a person’s knowledge of the topics contained within the Universally Accepted Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge and include Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt Certification. 


Contact :  IASSC at

During normal business hours United States Mountain Standard Time 9:00AM to 5:00PM M-F you may reach IASSC by phone at +1 (602) 734-0561.


IASSC Headquarters
The Esplanade Center
2415 East Camelback Road, Suite 700
Phoenix, Arizona 85016, United States


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